Genomic and proteomic analysis of gastric cancer

(1) Through a Research Cooperation project between UFPA and USP IES, coordinated by Professor Ândrea Kely Campos Ribeiro dos Santos, a study is being carried out for the development and establishment of a bioinformatics network for the genomic and proteomic analysis of gastric cancer (CG). The objective of the project is the establishment of scientific collaboration relationships with other, more experienced national and international research groups that dominate the bioinformatics analysis methodology of the data we were able to generate. With the development of the project so far, it has been possible to purchase several new generation DNA sequencing platforms (High Performance Genetic Analyzers such as SOLID 4.0 and SOLID 5500, ABI 3730, Ion Torrent, Ion PGM and more recently the MiSeq platforms).

(2) Lizomar Moia: Provision of snacks to patients at the FSCMPA liver clinic;

(3) Rosivaldo Borges: Association with researchers from other isolated states for research activities. Ministered mini-course "Molecular modifications of bioactive compounds" in the city of Macapá-AP. The resources were allocated for the reform and adaptation of the Laboratory of Medicinal and Computational Chemistry of UNIFAP, coordinated by Professor Cleydson Breno Rodrigues dos Santos;

(4) João Soares Felício:

- Coordination of the World Diabetes Day Campaign, which took place in November, in a shopping mall in the city of Belém, and counted on health promotion and disease prevention actions regarding diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitus, benefiting more than 400 passers-by ;

- Carrying out two campaigns to assist the diabetic patient in the Ver-o-Peso Market, reaching about 250 people in each edition;

 - Carry out a campaign of assistance to the diabetic patient in the district of São Brás, reaching 230 people;

- Carrying out 2 campaigns of assistance to the diabetic patient in the neighborhood of Cremação, reaching 260 and 300 patients respectively;

- Carry out a campaign of assistance to the diabetic patient in the Guamá neighborhood, reaching 240 people.