Coordination of IX EndoAmazon

The PPGOCM coordinated the IX EndoAmazon - Amazónian Congress of Endocrinology and Diabetes - year 2012. The event was held in Belém, in the state of Pará. Among the actions carried out by the Program is the dissemination of the event and interviews for the Campaign World Diabetes Day. In this same event, the Program also received the best work award.


1st International Meeting on Oncology Research

The 1st International Meeting on Oncology Research event, which was held in December 2014, was attended by a teacher and student of PPGOCM. This event was developed in partnership with the Evandro Chagas Institute and the National Cancer Institute, in Belém. Several overseas researchers gave lectures on their most recent research.


In 2017, the following stand out:

(1) André Khayat: Supervision of the Academic League of Cancer Genetics at UFPA;

(2) Lizomar Moia: Health education for patients and families at the FSCMPA clinical and liver specialties clinic;

(3) Rosivaldo Borges:

- Publication of the book for undergraduation and graduation in pharmacy in the area of chemical aspects of drugs and medicines, edited by the author. Rosivaldo S. Borges. Fundamental Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Publisher of UFPA. Bethlehem, 2017. 210 pages;

- Commission for the organization of the "V Symposium on Computational Simulation and Biological Evaluation of Biomolecules in the Amazon". UFPA. Belém, November 21-22, 2016. For undergraduate and graduate students;

- Organization of the "I Escola Parense de Química Farmacêutica". UFPA. Belém, 04-08 July 2016. For undergraduate students;

(4) Wallace Gomes: Participation as speaker of the NGO symposium illuminating life, as described above;

(5) João Soares Felício:

- It has an agreement with the CNPQ, through two studies approved by this council, one of them being in partnership with the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and another in partnership with the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS );

- During the year 2017 guided fellows of scientific initiation and extension.

(6) Ândrea Ribeiro dos Santos, André Khayat and Rommel Burbano, participated in an interview on the UFPA web radio on cancer.

(7) Samia Demachki: Supervision of the Academic League of Pathological Anatomy of UFPA (LAPAP) and orientation of fellows of scientific initiation and monitoring.